Political Violence & Terrorism Group
The LMA Political Violence & Terrorism Group (PVT) provides a platform for claims practitioners to discuss common issues considered to be of interest or concern and make recommendations for implementation across the class of business. The Political Violence & Terrorism Group reports to the Lloyd’s Market Association Claims Committee (LMACC). .
The Chairperson is Martin MacDonald, MS Amlin with Deputy Co-Chairs Julie Groves, Talbot, and Stephanie Gunson, Hiscox.
ToR can be found here
Role of the Group
Primarily, the role of the Group is to:
- provide a representative forum which allows discussion of topical issues and common concerns within the Political Violence & Terrorism market
- advise and provide feedback to the LMA Claims Committee (LMACC) where claims issues relating to the Political Violence & Terrorism market have wider implications for the London market
- establish projects or sub-groups where appropriate to address specific market issues
- provide expertise and support to other LMA sector groups whose business is impacted by Political Violence & Terrorism
- take the lead in developing training for Political Violence & Terrorism claims handling in the Lloyd’s market
- develop and manage delivery of a Political Violence & Terrorism forum for the wider market.
The LMA Claims Strategy