Electronic Claims Files User Group (ECFUG)

The Electronic Claims Files User Group (ECFUG) was established in 2006 and provides a forum for cross market debate and consideration of issues relating to ECF development and use. The LMA arranges a meeting every month and the group reports to the AAC. The Chairman is Lee Elliston.

Role of the Group

Primarily, the role of the group is to:

  • Oversee implementation of ECF2 agreed change requests
  • Consider any other system changes as appropriate
  • Provide guidance to the claims community on ECF use
  • Liaison between the markets
  • Regularly report to the AAC
  • Oversee the work of the sub groups including best practice & Third Party Access Group

Key issues

  • Change request review and development
  • Oversee sub-group
  • CLASS and IMR performance review
  • Liaison with ACORD on claims messages
  • Liaison on Lloyd’s CTP implications for ECF

Current Projects

    • Binder Enhancements to ECF
    • Write Back 
    • GAP Analysis ECF Vs ECF 2
    • Cause Codes
    • Uber Precautionaries 
  • More information is available on the ECF website.