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Construction newsletter April 2018
By Helen Mitchell (RPC).
13 April 2018
Trends and developments in the
construction industry
What challenges does the construction industry face and what does the future hold?
In the news
The collapse of Carillion
The risks and implications for insurers.
Rise of the regulators
The benefits of acting early if a regulator investigates.
Contact (Print and Packaging)
Preserving your documents for disclosure – a reminder.
DPM Property Services Ltd
The danger of leaving it too late to rely on new expert evidence.
ICE Architects Ltd
When does the cause of action for payment accrue for services rendered?
Round up
Risky business
Considering Part 36 offers and their consequences.
Smash and grab
Parties with the opportunity to start a “Smash and Grab” adjudication now have reason to think
twice before doing so.