XCS (PSA) Performance Reports

The LMA publishes XCS (PSA) Performance Reports in the interests of widening the circulation for the benefit of Members. The reports (single sheet Adobe PDF) are produced by Xchanging Claims Services Limited. If you have questions regarding the reports, please review the Guidance Notes prepared by XCS or contact Anthony Croydon, Head of Service on 020 6304 5312.

From July 2009, reports have included an increased and improved level of information which more accurately reflects service levels.

Access the reports

These reports are only available to LMA full members (those working at a Lloyd's managing agent).

  Access the reports (log on required) 

If you have any problems accessing this information, please email lma@lmalloyds.com or call 020 7327 3333.


Contact details

For questions regarding the reports, contact:

Anthony Croydon 
Head of Service
020 6304 5312.

For any other queries, contact LMA on 020 7327 3333 or email lma@lmalloyds.com