ECF Training and Perception Programme
There has been a significant amount of change and modernisation in the claims community over recent years, with a number of system enhancements and changes to process that are mostly handled through ECF. To ensure everyone is on the same page, the ECF Best Practice Group have been evaluating what is needed to support the market in this ever changing environment and provide clarification around best practice as well as roles and responsibilities.
Included in this review, the group have also looked at queries to understand the impact these are having on the lifecycle of a claim, which ultimately affects client service. It was identified that every time a claim is queried it adds an average of 10 days to the lifecycle and many of these queries are not material (by not material, we mean missing data and documents).
From the overall analysis and feedback, it was evident that training and behaviour required addressing as there are common themes and trends that relate to inconsistent processes being used within brokers and carriers, some of which differ between classes of business. To identify the training needs, the group also requested feedback from across the market to understand where the challenges exist for each party - broker, carrier or third party.
We are now well under way with the development of the training which will be delivered in two forms:
This will be an interactive training session for carriers, brokers and third parties with sessions running in late January and early February 2016. It will be the first time a training programme of this kind has been run for the market. There will be four corners – broker, Lloyd’s claims adjuster, company claims adjuster and XCS - where participants will be given a view of key stages of the process, including how behaviours impact other parties and the lifecycle of the claim. This will also aid understanding of functionality and process (which will include CTP and Roles & Responsibilities) to improve efficiency.
The purpose of these sessions is to encourage engagement with, and between, brokers, claims adjusters and third parties, to help everyone better understand best practice and the behaviours that need to change to drive improvements in the London market and ultimately have a positive impact on the clients’ experience.
On-line Training
This online training follows the same format as the masterclasses by explaining the responsibilities of each party and the impact certain actions have on the other parties in the claims process. To make this training as interactive as possible, it is being designed in a scenario-based format that is thought provoking for the user. This may be of particular interest to those working in regional and offshore offices handling claims and it can be used internally to train claims handlers.
Both training programmes will guide users through the sections that are relevant to them. For example, a Lloyd’s Claims Adjuster would not be shown the training for the company market process, where as a Claims Adjuster handling both Lloyd’s and company claims will see both. The aim is to ensure the training is meaningful to each user and remains relevant.
Please watch out for updates over the next few months where we will keep you informed of the progress being made on each of the initiatives. If you would like to register your interest in either the ECF online training or the masterclasses, please email telling us which of the training courses are of interest and the number of individuals within your organisation who would like to participate.
Sharyn Butcher
Senior Executive, Claims