Lloyd's Market Association Bulletin

LMA15-065-SB  |  16 December 2015       

ECF Training and Perception Programme Update

Further to LMA Bulletin LMA15-061-SB which provided an overview of the ECF Training and Perception Programme, we are pleased to advise that the following dates are now available for the masterclasses:

Date Session 1 Session 2
Wednesday 27 January 09.00 - 11.00  11.00 - 12.45
Thursday 28 January 09.00 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.45
Monday 01 February 09.00 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.45
Wednesday 03 February 09.00 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.45

All sessions will take place at Lloyd's, Gallery 11, Presentation Rooms 1-3.

This will be an interactive training session for carriers, brokers and third parties and is the first time a training programme of this kind has been run for the market. There will be four corners – broker, Lloyd’s claims adjuster, company claims adjuster and XCS - where participants will be given a view of key stages of the process, including how behaviours impact other parties and the lifecycle of the claim. This will also aid understanding of functionality and process (which will include CTP and Roles & Responsibilities) to improve efficiency. 

The purpose of these sessions is to encourage engagement with, and between, brokers, claims adjusters and third parties, to help everyone better understand best practice and the behaviours that need to change to drive improvements in the London market and ultimately have a positive impact on the clients’ experience. 

If you haven’t already registered your interest for this training, please email ecffocusgroup@lmalloyds.com telling us which session times you prefer. On receipt of registration, you will be asked to provide your preference for at least two of the topic corners (Lloyd’s, Company, Broker and XCS).

For any further information or if you have any enquiries about this bulletin, please contact Sharyn Butcher on sharyn.butcher@lmalloyds.com.

Sharyn Butcher

Senior Executive, Claims