Alex Koukoudis - Senior Executive, Finance and Risk
Alex joined the LMA in April 2023. In his role as Senior Executive for the Finance & Risk team, he provides executive support to the Chief Risk Officers Committee, Finance Committee, the Internal Auditors Committee and various related subgroups and committees.
Before joining the LMA, Alex held several key market oversight roles at Lloyd’s, most recently as an Account Manager, with a focus on areas such as business planning, corporate sustainability, governance and risk management. Prior to that, Alex held positions at the PRA and the FCA, where he worked as an Insurance London Market Supervisor and a governance policy expert, involved in SII and the roll-out of SMCR to insurance firms. Alex career started at Standard & Poor’s, where he was an Insurance Ratings Analyst, covering Western Europe and the Lloyd’s Market.
Email: alex.koukoudis@lmalloyds.com