Complaints Endorsements to Binding Authorities
Over the course of the last two years Lloyd’s have been implementing specific complaints handling requirements for international complaints, laid out in Market Bulletin Y4961. In January 2018, Lloyd’s published Market Bulletin Y5154, implementing specific requirements for handling of complaints for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore.
The LMA has drafted a suite of clauses to attach to binding authority agreements incorporating the requirements for these territories. These have been drafted to cover situations where authority is granted to a coverholder to handle complaints on behalf of underwriters, and where no authority is drafted. Clauses for Australia will be published shortly.
Additional clauses have also been drafted for UK complaints handing (Full Authority, No Authority & Summary Resolution Communication), and for generic endorsements for other territories where specific requirements have not been published by Lloyd’s. For the generic endorsements, local law, definitions and requirements would take precedence over any language used.
All endorsements will require amending to include additional managing agent instructions and details – therefore these should not be included by reference and should be appended in full with response sections amended as required.
Guidance for procedures for Canada, New Zealand and Singapore can be found in Market Bulletin Y5154.
The list of endorsements is as below and can also be found on the Lloyd’s Wordings Repository.
Any queries regarding this bulletin should be addressed to Tom Hamill: or 020 7327 8377.
Endorsement Title
Clause Number
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Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for UK complaints – Full Authority
Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for UK complaints procedures – No Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for UK complaints – SRC Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for Canadian complaints – Full Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for Canadian Complaints - No Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for Singapore complaints – Full Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for Singapore complaints – No Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for New Zealand complaints – Full Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for New Zealand complaints – No Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for international complaints – Generic one stage process – Full Authority


Endorsement to the model Binding Authority Agreement for international complaints – Generic one stage process – No Authority


Tom Hamill
Manager, Claims and DA Operations