Lloyd's Market Association Bulletin

LMA24-027-SD| 15 May 2024

Named Volcano and Volcanic Eruption Exclusions for Contingency Business

The LMA’s Contingency Business Panel has published a model Named Volcano Exclusion (LMA5639) and a Volcanic Eruption Exclusion (LMA5640) for use on event cancellation and non-appearance contingency business.

All LMA model clauses are purely illustrative and are published and distributed for the guidance of Lloyd’s managing agents, brokers and other market participants. All contracting parties are free to agree to different conditions/amend the model clauses as they see fit; the LMA does not protect its intellectual property rights over model clauses. It is for underwriters to decide whether or not any contractual language is acceptable on any given risk.

LMA5639 Named Volcano Exclusion

LMA5640 Volcanic Eruption Exclusion

Steven Dennis
Senior Executive, Technical Underwriting